Drains are an important part in your home's plumbing system. Drains channel the water and waste from your home, out to the city lines. When drains don't work properly, it can be inconvenient, damaging, or even a health issue with mold growing.
Bema Plumbing is here to help with your drainage needs.

Hearing water running in your crawl space isn't a good sound! We don't want to hear uncontrolled water running anywhere in our homes. In this example, we found that rats had eaten through the rubber couplings.
The resolve was to crawl along the pipe, open up the drain, and install couplings that had steel bands, to keep the rodents from eating through ... and keep the drain lines from leaking on the floor!

Here we have a tub drain, the seal is broken and it is leaking through the ceiling below. Here age is the issue - just wore out over time. Identifying the leak is essential, then clarifying the repair. This brass waste and overflow connects to black steel threaded pipe, as well as cast iron pipe.
Knowing the pipe being used is important in getting the job done right. We want to fix the primary leak, but also ensure no new leaks start, as we work with old style piping and connections.

Plugged drains, when your sink, tub or shower back up are not a pleasant sight. It can be a dirty and messy job, but we take care in clearing the blockage, and keeping your home clean.

Looking straight down this kitchen sink drain, we see that the tail piece from the other bowl was installed in such a way that it almost completely blocked the drain from the garburator.
Sure rodants, age, and solids stuck in the pipes are not good news - but when a job is done like this, leading to poor drainage and continuous blockages ... it may have been done fast - but it cost more in the long run!